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  • Kristian Bendix Nielsen

Webinar: The CII Challenge and how it is dealt with from a shipowners and a charterers point of view

The CII legislation is one of many environmental requirements to be dealt by the shipping industry and more to come. The CII legislation may impact the many departments in the shipping companies and stakeholders in the industry because adjustments to both technical and commercial parameters of the vessels operation may be required. In VPS we have experienced that companies are dealing with the CII challenge in different ways, and we would like to share that knowledge, to our clients and potential clients as inspiration and insight.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to an open forum discussion, where two significant shipping companies, Hapag Lloyd and Golden Ocean, have agreed to talk about their CII related needs, considerations and plans.

The webinar is on the 3rd of May 2022 (10 CET). To sign up, please contact Klaus Andreasen


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