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Steering Vessel Performance

Improve your operational efficiency through data analysis

Leading the way to performance excellence of your vessels


Daily monitoring

By daily monitoring and analysis of over 1000 vessels, we have a unique insight to performance management.

Daily Monitoring Vessel Performance
Performance workflow


Performance workflow

Through analysis of operational data, we help improve your fleet efficiency, reduce the fuel cost and save CO2

Vessel Performance


We drive towards intelligence and digitalization in ship operations in the future

Vessel Performance

Research-based methods

Through various cooperation research projects, we try to optimize our baselines and methods based on theoretical investigations and data analysis.

Vessel Performance


We are flexible to adopt our service to the client’s reporting system and provide customized solutions for their requirements.


VESPER Platform

Our web based platform gives access to performance analysis of your fleet, organized to easily generate an overview of your fleet, with the ability to drill down to individual vessels.

Map Vessel Performance

We pave the way to performance excellence of your fleet

Our Key Features

Vessel Performance

Data collection, integration and validation

  • Data collection

  • Noon and Autolog import

  • Interfaces (VESON, WNI, SPOS, ...)

  • AIS intergrafion

  • Data Validation

Vessel Performance

Performance analysis

  • Hull and propeller

  • Speed and consumption

  • Main engines

  • Auxiliary engines and boilers

  • Regulatory compliance (MRV, IMO-DCS)

  • Dashboards

Vessel Performance

Voyage analysis

  • Charter party compliance

  • Crew feedback

  • Maps and voyage plans

Sea Ocean Boats Port

Development Roadmap

Through various cooperation research projects, we try to optimize and update our baselines and methods based on theoretical investigations and data analysis.

Shipping Lab

A non-profit innovation and project collaboration for the partners in the Blue Denmark. With the launch of ShippingLab, the Danish maritime community initiates an ambitious platform for maritime research, development and innovation.

EU decarbonization of shipping

Technical study on the future of the Ship Energy Efficiency Design Index


Funded as a Eurostar project is a joint program between EUREKA and the European Commission, co-funded from the national budgets of 36 Eurostar’s Participating States and Partner Countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020.


An international collaboration project between industry and academia to reduce the ecological footprint of transport vessels during their lifecycles through digitalisation.

Clients & co-operation partners 

Our main clients are Ship Operators & Managers that needs support for performance analysis and performance management. As our services are data agnostic, we have many partners in the industry, which we can integrate to. Below are some of the current VESPER clients and partners

Clients Vessel Performance
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